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When Captain America declared he wouldn't leave Novi Grad and its people to face their fate, Black Widow told him that she never intended for them to leave and that they would die with the people of Novi Grad if needed. While Banner wanted to run away with Romanoff, she knew that she had to stay and fight. After kissing Banner, she pushed him down a hole, causing him to transform into Hulk. Romanoff then held onto Hulk as he jumped from HYDRA Research Base to the airborne Sokovia.

Romanova eventually discovers this, including the fact that she had never, as she had believed, been a ballerina. John Romita, the artist responsible for the redesign elaborated on how the character was updated. " So I took the mask off her face, and made the Black Widow, the one in the patent leather jumpsuit." Black Widow regrouped with Captain America at the town hall, where she saw Scarlet Witch, and asked if she was wearing her jacket.
Black Widow
When Romanoff grabbed the gun, one of the mercenaries threatened to release the biological weapon they had just stolen. She used it to quickly kill one of the mercenaries while Redwing killed the other, managing to secure the biological weapon. Electroshock weapon that can deliver powerful electrical discharges from two bracelets worn by Romanoff.

Osborn orders Yelena to lead the current Thunderbolts to kill former Thunderbolt, Songbird. Fury orders "Yelena" to rescue and retrieve Songbird for the information she might possess about Osborn and his operations. Yelena finds Songbird and reveals to her that she was really Natasha Romanova in disguise. She tries delivering Songbird to Fury but the Thunderbolts have also followed them. The trio are captured as Osborn reveals he had been impersonating Fury in messages all along to set Natasha up in order to strengthen the Thunderbolts and lead him to Fury. She and Songbird are brought to be executed but manage to escape when Ant-Man, Headsmen, and Paladin turn on the rest of the Thunderbolts and let them go.
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Having had enough, Romanoff made it clear their family was not real, which deeply upset Belova, so she left. Heading to a store, Romanoff asked more about the Red Room, but Belova didn't know much, due to all the Widows forced into being sedated, and that Dreykov never went after Romanoff because the Avengers would come after him. Romaonff revealed that she believed Belova would have gotten out of the Red Room long ago and not wanted to see her. Belova then asked Romanoff about her tendency to pose during fights, leading them to talk about how they're both killers, but only Romanoff is considered a hero. Romanoff got out of the car, and was continued to fire upon Taskmaster, before being soon disarmed, turning the fight into a hand-to-hand. Romanoff preformed her signature scissor leg takedown, to no effect, only for Taskmaster to copy the exact same move, knocking her down.

Before they could kill her however, Belova saved her by detonating the Red Dust over all the Widows, releasing them from Dreykov's control. Realizing the entire fortress was coming down, Romanoff instructed Belova and the Widows to get as far away as possible, sending them away first. Having stolen Dreykov's ring, she was able to upload all of the data on the Black Widows, and she cracked her nose back into place. Romanoff then began to mock Dreykov for how pathetic he is, goading him into punching her repeatedly as she continued to antagonize him.
All of Black Widow's Costumes on Display in Stunning Avengers Art
Romanoff met up with Steve Rogers at the hospital and witnessed Nick Fury being operated on. She asked Rogers about the shooter; he responded that the assailant was fast, strong and had a metal arm. This description seemingly confirmed to Romanoff that the assassin who shot Fury near Rogers' apartment was the Winter Soldier. As Maria Hill joined them, she told the two the ballistics were untraceable, and Romanoff provided the fact that the bullets were Soviet-made. Receiving intel that Sana Amanat was going to be abducted, Nick Fury dispatched Romanoff and Steve Rogers to New York City on protection detail.
As they continued to talk about Thanos, Stark began to get angry because of the encounter he had with Thanos alone. However, due to being in a weak state, he collapsed so Bruce Banner tended to him while the others waited. When Danvers decided to go out and find Thanos on her own, Romanoff stopped her, informing her that they work as a team.
Girl's Black Widow Captain America Civil War Avengers Costume Size L (Used)
As an infant, she was deemed by the Red Room to possess genetic potential, and was purchased from her birth family. However, Romanoff's mother was not in agreement and proceeded to search for her, until General Dreykov had her killed to prevent the Red Room Program's existence from being revealed. A classic and stalwart Avenger, Black Widow is receiving a tribute to her various costumes throughout Marvel Comics history on the variant cover of Avengers Forever #2. The former KGB agent has long been a fixture in the pages of Marvel books, and her look has evolved over the years, Now, all those looks are on display in one glorious cover. The Avengers then returned to 2023, having successfully obtained the Infinity Stones. When Clint Barton returned, he silently fell to his knees when asked about Romanoff by Bruce Banner.
When Captain America headed for a helicopter, he was stopped by Iron Man, and then surrounded by his team. Black Widow approached and asked Captain America to think about what was going to happen, and if he wanted it to turn into violence, rather than surrendering. However, Barnes escaped, but she and Stark knew Barnes was most likely with Rogers, who, along with Wilson, had also escaped custody.
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