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As they continued to discuss the plan, Danvers told them that they would be successful because they had her this time, causing an annoyed War Machine to retort back at her. As she claimed that many other planets in the universe did not have a team like the Avengers, Thor, who had been silent for all of this, got up, and summoned Stormbreaker to prove she was worthy. With all the Avengers on board with the plan, they all suited up and boarded the Benatar. A great battle commenced after which T'Challa ordered the Dora Milaje to open up their defenses.

When the Winter Soldier caused the car to crash, Rogers grabbed Romanoff and Wilson before jumping out of the moving vehicle. The next day, Romanoff and Steve Rogers went to seek refuge with Sam Wilson since everyone else they knew was trying to kill them. Romanoff confided in Rogers that when she joined S.H.I.E.L.D., she believed she was going straight instead of just trading the KGB for HYDRA. Romanoff then asked if Rogers would trust her if it was up to her to save his life and he told her that he trusts her now. Wilson then interrupted the two to inform them that he made breakfast, which he was unsure if that was something they ate.
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Suddenly, the fight made its way into the living room where all the guests were hanging out and resulted in the two of them evacuating the mansion. Romanoff then contacted Nick Fury and debriefed him on the situation that had developed. As Romanoff applied concealer on his wounds, Stark admitted that she was mysterious, noting that it was hard for him to detect where she could be from. Entering the boxing ring, Romanoff faced Stark who was casually drinking some water out of thirst. He then told Hogan to give her a boxing lesson, for which Hogan didn't take seriously as he was unaware of her past training as a spy.
Now, Marvel artist Russel Dauterman has revealed a Black Widow variant cover art on Twitter, featuring the spy's various costume designs throughout the years. Dauterman has drawn variant covers for titles like Marvel's Marauders series, X-Men #1,Inferno #3, Excalibur #18, Hellions #3, S.W.O.R.D. #8.Those similarly featured hero costume timelines of Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Rogue, Psylocke, and Storm. In his tweet of the Black Widow costume cover, the artist confirmed moreMarvel hero costume timeline coversare coming, as well as the January release date forAvengers Forever #2. Romanoff managed to obtain this gun from one of the mercenaries working for Crossbones who attacked the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Lagos.
Early Life
In the process, Romanoff intercepted messages from her former surrogate sister Yelena Belova about the Red Room's resurgence. In possession of the Red Dust, Romanoff and Belova were relentlessly pursued by Taskmaster, who worked for Dreykov, who was believed to have been killed. Reuniting with her surrogate parents, they worked together to bring down the Red Room once and for all. Upon learning Taskmaster was actually Antonia, who had survived all these years but was mind-controlled by Dreykov, Romanoff freed her from Dreykov's enthrallment, and put an end to Dreykov's plans for world domination. It was later discovered that a series of clones of the original Black Widow had been produced by the Black Widow Ops Program following her death.

When she reunited with her sister in Budapest, she disarmed the latter of her pistol, but soon returned it. She eventually used both of her pistols to shoot out a window while escaping the Red Room aerial facility. Romanoff took her pistols with her when she traveled to Vormir to retrieve the Soul Stone, drawing them upon hearing the Red Skull welcoming her and Hawkeye to the planet.
Marvel's Judgment Day Would Be Better As A Fantastic Four Event
Despite him asking, Romanoff refused to tell Barton how many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents he had killed, telling him that Loki and Loki alone was responsible for the killings and he must not blame himself. When Captain America arrived to ask Romanoff if she could pilot a Quinjet, Barton told him he could. After Romanoff gave him the nod of approval, Rogers allowed Barton to join them on the mission. Romanoff responded that she was used as a spy during her childhood, alluding to her time in the Red Room Academy. Romanoff told Banner that it was just the two of them, which was a lie as multiple S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were outside, awaiting an order to apprehend or kill Banner should he be uncooperative or transform.
Banner then tried to fix this error by sending him back, but when he returned he was an old man, followed by a third try which brought Lang back as a baby. Banner then told Romanoff to kill the power on his signal, which successfully returned Lang to his normal age. Romanoff pointed out that if she didn't lead the Avengers, no one would, something Rogers believed might be fine.
Marvel: Black Widow's 10 Best Outfits & Looks, Ranked
Romanova is a former KGB spy and assassin, code-named the Black Widow, known for killing her ex-husbands, notably Alexi Shostakov. She was originally part of the Ultimates' covert operations ("black ops") team, but with the emergence of the Chitauri threat was subsequently moved to public status after a publicly acceptable background was written for her. She has genetic or cybernetic enhancements making her far better in combat than the average human. After accepting a marriage proposal from Tony Stark, she receives a black suit of Iron Man armor as an engagement present, along with a set of nanites to control the armor. Natasha Romanova appeared in the Earth X miniseries much the same as her 616 counterpart. After Absorbing Man was broken to pieces by The Vision after killing The Avengers , part of his body was given to her to guard in order to prevent anyone from putting Absorbing man back together.

He discovered in her credentials that she was fluent in French, Italian, Russian, and Latin and had done some modeling in Japan. Although she and the scientist were pushed over a cliff, Romanoff managed to save both herself and the man she was protecting. Seeing this, the Winter Soldier fired a single round through Romanoff's stomach and into the scientist, effectively killing him.
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