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As peaceful negotiations quickly failed, Ultron and the Maximoffs attacked, at the same time Ulysses Klaue sent his mercenaries to attack the Avengers. "All my friends are fighters, and here comes this guy, spends his life avoiding the fight because he knows he'll win." Romanoff later attended an inquiry by the Department of Defense into the HYDRA Uprising. When asked why no one has heard from Steve Rogers, Romanoff noted that she believed there was nothing more for him to say due to the wreck in the middle of the Potomac making his point. Romanoff also told them that HYDRA was selling the government lies instead of intelligence, though General S. Scudder pointed out that Romanoff was responsible for handing out those lies.

Belova then asked Romanoff several questions, including if she ever searched for her real parents, and whether she ever wanted to have children. With nowhere to go, Romanoff invited Belova to help her kill Dreykov and end the Red Room together. Belova accepted, and they stole another car, where they discussed Belova's vest during the drive.
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To wear an Iron Man Age of Ultron costume means assuming the awesome person of Tony Stark too, a successful entrepreneur oozing with talent and genius. The man can have the life that he wants yet he chooses to use his inventions and resources to safeguard Earth. And while Black Widow is the only official women in the Avengers unit, when it comes to Halloween costumes, the playing field is much more even as women’s costume variants of the poplar characters are also available. The intervening movies for each of the main characters also keep the entire group at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Despite being referred to as "Nat" many times, Romanoff actually hates being called that nickname.

As she made her way, she noticed Captain America's Shield on the road and picked it up. Fury went on to inspire the Avengers after their defeat by Ultron and called the A.I. "a platinum bastard," causing Romanoff to continue a running joke between the Avengers about Steve Rogers telling Stark to watch his language. While trying to think what Ultron's next move would be, Banner figured out he wanted to evolve by using the Regeneration Cradle. Romanoff, Barton, and Rogers prepared to leave for Seoul, where they believed Ultron would be with Helen Cho as he needed to use the Cradle.
Avengers Age Of Ultron Costumes
They all then witnessed an aircraft land and the freed Widows exited, so Belova spoke with them, while Vostokoff and Shostakov said their goodbyes to their daughter, telling her to take care of herself. After Romanoff and Belova did their whistle call to each other, she was left by herself amidst the rubble as Ross and his soldiers arrived and surrounded her. Once the data was collected, the base began to explode, forcing Romanoff to jump out of a window to avoid being killed. She managed to get back inside the base, where she came across Taskmaster locked in a cell. Knowing she was being controlled just the same as the other Widows, Black Widow decide to free her, before another explosion occurred, separating the two. Romanoff managed to land safely on the runway and saw Belova on top of Drekov's aircraft.
Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine and Nebula all successfully arrived in 2014 on Morag, where they enlarged the Benatar and waited for Nebula to lower the space pod. On the desolate planet, Black Widow was seen kicking an Orloni creature who approached her. Black Widow and Hawkeye then boarded the Benatar and said goodbye to War Machine, who asked them to watch over each other. Bruce Banner then activated the machine, as Black Widow told them she would see them in a minute, and they all were transported to the Quantum Realm, where they each traveled to their designated time. With the means of transportation achieved, the team then began to discuss the Infinity Stones' history.
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Using an explosive arrow, Taskmaster fired it at the car, sendind it to topple over and crash into a subway station. Arriving in Budapest, Hungary, Romanoff headed to her safehouse, retrieved her stashed gun, and went to stealthily enter the apartment, but Yelena Belova revealed she was aware of her presence. As they talked to each other, Romanoff went inside, searching for Belova, until they were finally reunited, both aiming guns at each other. At that moment, Black Widow then got the upper hand, wrapping her legs around Hawkeye and threw him aside, due to him holding back. When she then went to kick him in the face to finish him, she was suddenly immobilized by Wanda Maximoff, saving Hawkeye.

As Black Widow approached Hulk, she took off her gloves and began the lullaby method to calm him down. A few months later, after Phil Coulson's reorganization of S.H.I.E.L.D., Romanoff contacted Melinda May. With the rising threat of HYDRA, the Avengers were officially reassembled, with the financial backing of Tony Stark. Using the Avengers Tower as their headquarters, they embarked on several missions to thwart HYDRA's plans for world domination. Romanoff was in Sudan when she hijacked a plane carrying HYDRA operatives meeting with Jensen who had perfected a weapon using Chitauri technology. Finding a platoon of armed soldiers there, Romanoff had J.A.R.V.I.S. assemble the Avengers to provide her with assistance.
With the battle almost won, Captain America ordered the team to get to a rescue boat and leave the city before Iron Man and Thor destroyed it. Black Widow went with Hawkeye and confiscated a car to get to the rescue boats. She reassured herself and Captain America that there are worse ways to die and that at least she'd die seeing a great view. Nick Fury interrupted their conversation by saying that her view was about to get a lot better.
It certainly helped that the vodka arrived in an unlabelled decanter, thats all I can say. About the same time Pietro Maximoff made proof of his outstanding powers, when he was just referred to as ‘the enhanced’, Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s character, Pietro Maximoff was wearing a shiny black tracksuit jacket with zipper. An old school classic design from the Hummel brand, the Atlantic zip jacket N is made of polyester and cotton, allowing a better moisture control in high physical activity conditions. However, other suits are a little more down-to-earth, like the ones worn by Black Widow . That's mainly because she's essentially a black ops agent who doesn't constantly rely on fancy weaponry, although she obviously wields a few handy gadgets. The list she comes up with includes Ultron , despite the fact that her current predicament is definitively not his style.
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