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Banner related back to Tony Stark's creation of J.A.R.V.I.S. and Ultron, suggesting that they could remove the stone imbedded within Vision without killing him. Romanoff thanked Mason for his help, saying he's always been a good friend to her. Romanoff then talked about how for her whole life she had alway thought she never had a family, but she has now relaized she has two. And now that she has repaired one of them, she wanted to see if she could help fix the Avengers, which included breaking a few of them out of the Raft. Romanoff left Mason, and boarded the Quinjet to meet up with Steve Rogers, who was also currently on the run. Romanoff then informed Belova that there were still a massive amount of Black Widows around the world, so once Vostokoff duplicated the Red Dust, she should go and free them all.
They all watched as Barton stood on the machine and then went into the Quantum Realm. After telling her he was fine, he showed her a baseball glove he retrieved, revealing that their experiment had worked. Lang then told them about how he got trapped in the Quantum Realm five years ago due to the Snap. Lang then revealed that for him, it was actually five hours in the Quantum Realm. Rogers then tried to get Lang to clarify what he was saying, which was that time works differently in the Quantum Realm, but there is no way to navigate it. He proposed the idea to control the Quantum Realm, entering at one point in time and exiting out another.
Avengers Age Of Ultron Movie Official Trailer
The Avengers become unpopular due to a massive battle between Hulk and Iron Man in his "Hulkbuster" armor in the middle of South Africa; at the same time, many of the members were still suffering from the effects of Maximoff's visions. Maria Hill stated that there was no information about Banner's arrest order yet. Knowing they needed to get away and recover, Clint Barton flew the team to his homestead, realizing that no one would be able to find them there. As half of the Avengers were suffering from Wanda Maximoff's nightmares, Iron Man was chasing after Hulk, who had also fallen victim to Wanda's powers and was on a rampage. Iron Man requested Romanoff to give Hulk his lullaby method to calm him down, but Hawkeye informed him that she was not going to be able to help him as she was disoriented by the visions.

To further polish her identity, she was given a BA and MA in history from the University of Southern Carolina in 2005 and 2007, respectively. She was also given the backstory that she had interned at Hammer Industries while ostensibly studying at Harvard University in 2010. Therefore, Romanoff was successfully hired as a Stark Industries notary public by Bambi Arbogast.
MARVEL Avengers Black Widow Viewing Party
After a while, she decided to change her positions and asked Captain America to give her a boost so she could fight the Chitauri from their ships. Despite him asking, Romanoff refused to tell Barton how many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents he had killed, telling him that Loki and Loki alone was responsible for the killings and he must not blame himself. When Captain America arrived to ask Romanoff if she could pilot a Quinjet, Barton told him he could. After Romanoff gave him the nod of approval, Rogers allowed Barton to join them on the mission. Romanoff instead attempted to convince Banner to leave the room as his transformation into Hulk and subsequent rampage was an integral part of Loki's escape plan.

Romanoff then approached Stark and Hogan before requesting Potts to sign the papers. As Potts did so, Stark inquired Romanoff about her name, and she proceeded with her cover name, Natalie Rushman. Stark, unaware of Romanoff's true identity, asked her to come into the boxing ring so that the two could talk.
Black Widow Cocktail – Age of Ultron
They all then gathered inside where Romanoff informed Danvers and Stark of the Snap and the effects that have occurred since. As they continued to talk about Thanos, Stark began to get angry because of the encounter he had with Thanos alone. However, due to being in a weak state, he collapsed so Bruce Banner tended to him while the others waited.

Romanoff arrived at Tony Stark's Mansion as the notary to deliver the documents needed to finalize Potts' promotion, catching the attention of Stark and Happy Hogan while they were boxing in a ring. Five years later, Romanoff led the Avengers alongside Captain America, now formed by Okoye, Rocket Raccoon, Nebula, War Machine, and Captain Marvel. With an opportunity to undo the Snap presented by Ant-Man, the remaining Avengers split up into teams to retrieve all Infinity Stones from several alternate timelines in the Time Heist. With the Avengers broken up, Romanoff, Rogers and Wilson went on the run for two years as international fugitives, working alone to stop terrorist cells in Syria. When the threat of Thanos approached Earth, Romanoff, Rogers, and Wilson protected Vision, who had the Mind Stone, which Thanos was after. They later defended Wakanda from the attack, but were ultimately defeated when Thanos destroyed half of all life with the Infinity Gauntlet, where Romanoff emerged as one of the survivors.
Black Widow was prepared to fight Loki beside the other Avengers and his Chitauri army, though being a spy and not a soldier. Hawkeye flew her and Captain America to New York City in a Quinjet where the portal had already opened over the city, allowing thousands of aliens to enter and attack. Loki managed to shoot the Quinjet out of the sky and the team fought the extraterrestrials on the ground.

Romanoff agreed that he should, as it would be an inappropriate time to host friends and colleagues after he was nearly killed by Vanko in Monaco. The two traded items, with Stark insisting that he choose his watch before ordering Romanoff to cover up some of his bruises he sustained from the fight. Romanoff, knowing that Antonia was in the building, gave the order to detonate, seemingly killing Dreykov and his daughter. This mission would haunt Romanoff, although she convinced herself that killing Antonia was necessary to completing the mission, and clearing herself from the Red Room. After engaging in a firefight with the Hungarian Special Forces, the two agents hid themselves for ten days, two of which were spent inside the ceiling of a subway station, before being able to leave the city. Due to both her expertise and her growing threat to global security, Romanoff quickly appeared on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar, prompting Nick Fury to send Clint Barton to eliminate her.
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